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Weston Favell Evening Women's Institute


Weston Favell Evening WI


The January Meeting was held on Thursday 9th. Diane welcomed us all to the first meeting of 2025 and we soon got down to business. She thanked all those members who had sent thanks and Christmas cards to the committee, they are much appreciated.

For those cooks amongst the members, The Pauline Duff Trophy 2025 is for shortbread so do pick up an entry form next month. The recipe is provided so off you go! At the Monday Me Time on Jan 13th, 2 - 4pm there will be a quiz and Jenny will be talking about, and knitting, the items for the Yarn Bombing for the Rugby World Cup later this year. Bring some 3.25 or 4 needles, a darning needle and scissors - wool will be provided of course, tea or coffee and chocolate biscuits, but most of all, pop along for a chat!

You may remember that back in September we had a lovely speaker who told us all about the Baby Basics charity which supports Mums with a Moses basket of things for them and their baby. We thought it would be a nice gesture to support them so next month, if you would like to, please bring along anything for the baskets. Mum amd baby shampoos, bath lotions, baby grows, knitted hats or tops, disposable nappies, tissues and wipes - in fact anything new baby related. Maybe even a box of chocolates to boost a new mum!

The visit to Vintage Retreat is 11am on Jan 20th, there will be a visit to see the snowdrops in February and of course a theatre trip to see Anton Du Beke on April 1st - there are still some tickets available for this so please contact Roz ASAP if you would like to go (01604 642650).
Two of our members are kindly starting a lunch club and the first
one will be on Feb 24th, 12.30 at the Bold Dragoon. It will be a brilliant opportunity to have a meal together ( main course and tea/coffee £10 ) in pleasant surroundings and time to meet with each other. It's bound to be a great success and hopefully will be come a regular feature of our 'getting togethers'. Book next meeting.

Well, we expected a speaker from the RSPCA to talk about the value of having a pet. However at 5.15 they cancelled due to illness so we were lucky to welcome Steve Dimmer again with a fascinating talk about Agatha Christie - her life and crimes. Thank goodness he was free at such short notice.  


Monday Me Time

The Next meeting is on Thursday 13th February. The speaker will be Kay Andrews who will give a talk entitled Myths and Misconceptions of Canal Art and the competition is Bring Something Red.  The next Monday Me Time will be on 17th February in the Hall from 2.30 till 4pm.
If you would like to know more about our WI and join us for an evening, please contact either the President Diane Phillips on 01604 415678 or the Secretary Roz Quigley on 01604 642650.