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Weston Favell Evening Women's Institute


Weston Favell Evening WI


The July meeting of Weston Favell Evening WI was held on Thursday 14th July and after the singing of Jerusalem the meeting was started with some news and reminders.
From County there are some forms to complete for the draw in October for the Mary Sheldon Bursary - members can enter next month for a chance to win funding for an educational course of their choice. There is also still time to put an entry into the Village Show - if you need the schedule, just let Roz know.

Diane reminded members to bring their photographs of Something Special in the Garden for the Sheila Laverick Trophy - pop them in an envelope with your name on and remember no bigger than 7"x 5" and bring them along by September - I'm sure you have something special to show us.

We are holding a Coffee Morning at the Hall on Wednesday August 14th - 10.30 to 12. Everyone really enjoyed having an oportunity to talk at our 75th Birthday afternoon so here is another chance to chat! There'll be a Bring and Buy table and tea or coffee and cake - what's not to love!  

Our speaker Steve Reid was from Friars Farm who brought along lots of pickles, jams and chutneys which they produce and sell - a lot of the recipes were actually from a really old WI Recipe book!! They now make and sell cheeses and items of charcuterie too - all without lots of additives and using, wherever possible, local produce. We got to taste some of the cheeses and bought things to take home too.

The raffle was drawn and the meeting was ended.




The Next meeting is on Thursday August 8th when the Cynthia Spencer Choir will be entertaining us. The competition is There was a young lady from the WI..... continue.
There will be a Coffee Morning at the Hall on Wednesday 14th August and the next Monday Me Time will be on 16th September at the Parish Hall 2.30 till 4.
If you would like to know more about our WI and join us for an evening, please contact either the President Diane Phillips on 01604 415678 or the Secretary Roz Quigley on 01604 642650.