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Weston Favell Evening Women's Institute


Weston Favell Evening WI


The August meeting of Weston Favell Evening WI was held on Thursday 8th August and after the singing of Jerusalem the meeting was a little different to our usual monthly meeting as we welcomed the Cynthia Spencer Choir who came to sing to us. As you may know t he choir has several WI members as part of their group so they wore two hats for the evening! Before the choir's contribution Diane - with her President hat on - took us through the business 'bits'.

Diane reminded members that we can meet again Wednesday 14th August at the Hall for our Coffee Morning. If you haven't  got a ticket, don't worry, just pop along at 10.30 and join us for a sociable morning, with home made cake too!!

Our September meeting is the final date to bring in your entry to the Sheila Laverick Trophy competition - a max 7 x 5   photo of something in your garden - be in it to win it and I'm sure we will have lots of entries next month.

We will be making Cakes to take Cynthia Spencer for  September 23rd, meeting for a Picnic in the Park at lunchtime on September 25th and going to the Panto on the afternoon of December 29th - boards all available next month too so look out for them. There is still time to enter the Mary Sheldon Bursary draw and if you want to enter something in the Weston Favell Village Show, email Roz and she will send you the link details.       

And finally our time came to listen to the choir and even join in. The conductor Graham introduced everything and it was so lovely to hear the choir singing a variety of well known songs. We all had song sheets and joined in with them on a number of occasions ending with a rousing rendition of When the Saints Go Marching In!

The raffle was drawn and the meeting was ended.




Coffee Morning

The Next meeting is on Thursday September 12th when the speaker Sabrina will give a talk entitled Baby Basics. The competition is A Baby Photo.
The next Monday Me Time  will be on the 18th of March at the Parish Hall 2 till 4.
If you would like to know more about our WI and join us for an evening, please contact either the President Diane Phillips on 01604 415678 or the Secretary Roz Quigley on 01604 642650.