WI Logo  
Weston Favell Evening Women's Institute

  Next Meeting Thursday 8th August  

Site Originated
10th November 2003
This Revision
10th January 2006

Last Updated
17th July 2024

Welcome to the web site for Weston Favell Evening Women's Institute. Our aim is to provide you with useful information about our branch and its activities.

We have been serving the local community since our foundation on the 22nd March 1949.

We meet at 7.15pm every 2nd Thursday of the month at Weston Favell Parish Hall (see Location button to left ).

From the 1st April 2022, the cost for a 12 month subscription is £45.00, which includes the delivery of W I Life magazine.
Join in the 2nd quarter July to Sept £36.00
Join in the 3rd quarter Oct to Dec £24.00
Join in the 4th quarter Jan to Mar £12.00
The Dual Membership cost is £20.50.

Visitors are welcome at a cost of £4.00 per visit, (to a maximum of 3 visits per annum).

Refreshments are served at the end of each meeting.

Feel free to browse around this site. If you have any comments or questions, please click on the Contact Us button to the left of each page. Thank you for visiting our site and we look forward to meeting you soon.

Click Here To read about the last 65 years of Weston Favell Evening WI

Click Here For the details of the Weston Favell Evening WI Annual Report for 2021/2022.